Jonathan Green

Professor of Medicine, Pathology and Immunology
Associate Dean for Human Studies
Executive Chair, Washington University Institutional Review Board
[email protected]


My primary area of expertise is in the ethics of human subjects research. I have a particular interest in the inherent conflicts faced by physician-investigators, and how they attempt to resolve their competing obligations. I am also interested in the ethical challenges posed by genomics. In the clinical arena, as a Critical Care physician I have expertise in the ethics and challenges of end of life decision making.


  • McDonald, S.A., Mardis, E.R., Ota, D., Watson, M.A., Pfeifer, J.D. and Green, J.M. Comprehensive genomic studies, emerging regulatory, strategic and quality assurance challenges for biorepositories. 2012. Am J. Clin Path. 138:31-41
  • Green, J.M. Therapeutic Misdirection: An analysis of protocol exception requests in clinical trials. 2012. JEHRHE 7:37-43