Jonathan Mullin, MD

Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Fellow
[email protected]


I am particularly interested in the effect of communication on the decision-making and consent processes in pediatrics.


  • Sisk, B.A., Kang, T., and Mack, J. “Sources of Parental Hope in Pediatric Oncology.” Pediatrics. 2017, e20172241. (Epub Ahed of Print). PMID: 29208726
  • Sisk, B.A. and Malone, J. “Hope, Optimism, and Compassionate Communication.” JAMA Pediatrics, 2017 (Accepted – In Press)
  • Sisk, B.A. “Devastation and Hope – Stories of Fertility in Oncology.” Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics, 2017, 7(2), 141-145. PMID 29056644
  • Sisk, B.A., Greenzang, K., Kang, T., and Mack, J. “Longitudinal Parental Preferences for Late Effects Communication during Cancer Treatment.” Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 2017, Epub ahead of print, PMID: 28792684
  • Sisk, B.A., Ashworth, R., Mack, J., and DuBois, J. “Communication in Pediatric Oncology: State of the Field and Research Agenda.” Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 2017, Epub ahead of print, PMID: 28748597
  • Sisk, B.A., Kang, T., and Mack, J. “Prognostic Disclosures over Time: Parental Preferences and Physician Practices.” Cancer, 2017, Epub ahead of print, PMID: 28369836
  • Sisk, B.A., DuBois, J., Kodish, E., Wolfe, J., and Feudtner, C. “Decisional Discord: The Role of the Pediatrician when an Adolescent Child and Parents Disagree about Treatment Decisions.” Pediatrics, 2017, 139(6), e20170234. PMID: 28562285
  • Sisk, B.A., Bluebond-Langner, M., Wiener, L., Mack, J., and Wolfe, J. “Prognostic Disclosures to Children: A Historical Perspective.” Pediatrics, 2016; 138(3), e20161278. PMID: 27561728
  • Sisk, B., Frankel, R., Kodish, E., and Isaacson, J.H. “The Truth About Truth-telling: A Brief History of Non-disclosure in American Medicine”. Permanente Journal, 2016; 20(3), 15-19. PMID: 27352417