Mary E. Klingensmith, MD
Mary Culver Distinguished Professor of Surgery
[email protected]
I have worked in the Department of Surgery to establish a case-based Ethics curriculum that was disseminated nationwide through the now-defunct Wash U. Center for the Study of Ethics and Human Values via a grant program from philanthropic support. This curriculum persists and has grown into an on-line form that is now disseminated to all residency programs in General Surgery in the US. My interests in ethics are primarily related to how our trainees learn about ethical principles and apply these in their daily lives as clinicians.
- Klingensmith, ME. How to assess the need for and implement a case-based ethics curriculum, RAP(Residency Assist Page) of the American College of Surgeon’s website, placed on-line August 10, 2005 (
- Hua, M, Munson, R, Lucas, A, Rovelstad, S, Klingensmith, ME, Kodner, IJ. Medical treatment of Jehovah’s witnesses. Surgery 2008; 143: 463-5.
- Klingensmith, ME. Teaching ethics in surgical training programs using a case-based format. J Surg Ed 2008 Mar-Apr;65(2):126-8.
- Keune, JD, Vig, S, Hall, BL, Matthews, BD, Klingensmith, ME. Taking disclosure seriously: disclosing financial conflicts of interest at the American College of Surgeons. J Am Coll Surg 2011, 212: 215
- Keune JD, Kodner IJ, Klingensmith, ME. Ethical Issues in Surgery in ACS Surgery Principles and Practice. 2012. BCDecker: Published Online at