Title: Reporting Findings in a Timely Manner
Author: Matthew Wroblewski and Tristan McIntosh
Description: A researcher on the cutting edge of science fails to publish impactful findings because they are more interested in securing future funding.
Keyword(s): Publication Practices, The Scientist as Responsible Member of Society
Case: Dr. Taylor was the principal investigator of a multi-million dollar research project funded by the National Institutes of Health(NIH). The project was a 10-year longitudinal study to monitor outcomes of pig-to-human liver transplantation in adults with acute liver failure in the United States. The study is complete and has yielded promising research findings that could have a serious, immediate impact on animal-to-human transplantation practices. However, Dr. Taylor has a number of other grant deadlines fast approaching, and has decided to work on the grant applications before writing and publishing the promising findings from his grant.
- What are the key ethical issues in this case?
- What would you do this in this situation?
- Should Dr. Taylor reconsider his approach in this scenario? Why or why not?
- If the findings from this study were to be published in a timely manner, who could benefit?