Title: Technician Error Leads to Harm of Animal Subjects
Author: Matthew Wroblewski and Tristan McIntosh
Description: Lab technician fails to properly secure animal enclosures resulting in a gory fight between two primates.
Keyword(s): Animal Subjects Research, Sentience
Case: No Monkey Left Behind, an animal rights group, submitted a formal complaint against Bohemian Mountain University (BMU) after obtaining documents detailing a gory fight between two primates in a BMU lab. After the fight was broken up, the primates were quickly sedated and then separated by the on-duty lab technician. Veterinarians were contacted to treat the primates’ wounds. One primate had a significant portion of the middle and pinky fingers missing, resulting in an amputation of these fingers. According to the documents, the on-duty lab technician was new to the lab and had not properly secured the enclosures of the primates. No Monkey Left Behind claimed that this incident is a violation of the Animal Welfare Act.
- Is the reaction by No Monkey Left Behind justified? Why or why not?
- What are the key ethical issues in this situation?
- What steps could have been taken to prevent the incident from happening?